Can I Really Make Money on Teachers Pay Teachers? Student Success Stories - The Sydney Teacher

Can I Really Make Money on Teachers Pay Teachers? Student Success Stories

I know that investing in yourself can be a little scary.

Especially with the cost of living being so high these days, any money you spend to take care of yourself and your business can seem like an indulgence.

However, if you’re serious about gaining the opportunities and life choices that your Teachers Pay Teachers store can provide for you, then what is the cost of NOT investing in yourself?

Building your Confidence as a TPT Seller Reading Can I Really Make Money on Teachers Pay Teachers? Student Success Stories 10 minutes

I know that investing in yourself can be a little scary.

Especially with the cost of living being so high these days, any money you spend to take care of yourself and your business can seem like an indulgence.

However, if you’re serious about gaining the opportunities and life choices that your Teachers Pay Teachers store can provide for you, then what is the cost of NOT investing in yourself?

The cost of trying to figure it out alone without support can end up costing you time AND money. I’ve been there because I WISH I had help when I first started. Perhaps then I could have reached my goals sooner!

Making 3 and 4-figures on TPT can seem like a pipe dream, especially as you’re just starting out, but it IS possible through hard work and the right strategies!

How do I know? Because it happened to me and it's happened for my students. And because I'm not a gatekeepers of wealth, I want to help you too. I want to show you how you can also build your dreams, sharing what I learned over the last 7 years of being a Teachers Pay Teachers seller.

Table of Contents

  1. You’ve got to see it to believe it! 
    1. Jessica and Ella’s success story
    2. What are others saying? Testimonials from my Teacher Seller Masterclass
  2. I’m curious: what’s in your course?
    1. Selling in Australia
    2. TPT Brand Builder
    3. Producing Professional Products
    4. Opening your TPT Store
    5. Optimising your Listings
  3. I can’t wait! Sign me up!
  4. What’s next after I enrol?

You’ve Got to See It to Believe It!

I understand all the doubts and fears swirling around in your head.

But let me show you why having me there to hold your hand every step of the way as you start your TPT journey is worth it!

  • My Success Story: Jess

  • I'm not exaggerating when I say that over the last 7 years, selling resources on Teachers Pay Teachers has dramatically changed my life. 

    Looking back at my most memorable TpT moments, I STILL remember the first thing I bought with my TpT earnings back in 2018. Heart all aflutter and filled with excitement, I bought myself a pair of boots for $500 - yes, a $500 pair of boots. This was unheard of for me - usually a very conservative spender - but I couldn't be prouder as fledgling business owner!

    Then, when I reached my very first 4-figure month in 2019, I booked a luxury holiday to Byron Bay.

    Without my TPT earnings, I never would have even considered such splurges in spending. I was a teacher, alongside my teacher spouse, living on 2 teacher salaries after all.

    And if you could believe it, the best was yet to come. In 2020, with my TPT earnings, my partner and I put a 20% downpayment on our first house in Sydney.

    On 2 teacher incomes, there was no way we could have afforded to buy a house in Sydney!

    Now, as of 2024, I work 3-days a week on my business, just 1 day a week at school, and have the time and flexibility that I’d always dreamed of!

    And I want you to experience the same.

  • My Student’s Success Story: Ella

  • Remember, I haven't just seen success with my own store. Let me introduce you to one of my Teacher Seller Masterclass students, Ella!

    Ella hasn’t been working on her TPT store as long as I have - 14 months, in fact. And yet her store is growing exponentially too. She is a perfect example of how much you can grow your earnings by following my expertise!

    Ella booked 10 private sessions with me at 30 minutes each. It cost her $600 total, at $120/hour.

    Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it?

    But let me tell you, she’s made all of that money back and more.

    Since working together, she has begun earning $2000AUD per month. This means that she is on track to make $24000 per year - and she will continue to grow, so the number will be even more than that by next year!

    Don't forget, Ella is a full time teacher AND has had a TpT store less than 2 years. But by using my expert TpT knowledge and profit building strategies, her store has grown exponentially in such a short turnaround time.

    I honestly can’t wait for you to experience the same level of success!

  • More Student Feedback: Real Course Testimonials

  • I would love to work with you all one-on-one, but I am just one person and the cost of working with me privately may still be a barrier.

    That’s why I put all of my knowledge and experience for selling on TPT in Australia into my Teacher Seller Masterclass course!

    We ran it once already in the spring, and the feedback came rolling in fast:

    If you’d like to experience the same kind of growth that Ella and I did, and would also like to have lifetime access to a course that guides you through the process of growing a TPT store, then this course option is for you!

    I’m Curious: What’s in the Course?

    Let’s get right into it: here’s an outline of what’s in my Teacher Seller Masterclass!

  • Selling in Australia

  • The #1 unique thing about my Masterclass is that I come from an Australian perspective.

    Most other TPT seller courses are based in the US, and so they will not be able to help you navigate the nuances of selling in Australia.

    Mine? I start with how to sell resources in Australia. From checking your teaching contract to what you can or can’t do, my course will walk you through the start-up basics as an Australian teacher resource seller.

    As far as I know, no other course does that for you!

  • TPT Brand Builder

  • Before you even start your TPT Store, you do have to understand your personal brand and who your target audience is going to be. Otherwise, you’ll be shooting in the dark, not really having a direction for the kinds of resources you’re doing to sell.

    My Masterclass provides templates and a step-by-step guide for building your brand, so that when it’s time to create your products, you’ve got all of the design elements and product direction ready to go.

  • Producing Profitable Products

  • Once we’ve gone through creating your brand, we dive right into product creation!

    You’ll get to see how I plan my resources, how I design them, and how I ensure they are right for my target audience. I have templates for you to get started too so that the process won’t take as long when it’s your turn to create.

    I even provide tips and tricks for creating product previews, covers, and more!

    Here’s a screenshot of one of the modules for product creation:

  • Opening your TPT Store

  • There is a lot to opening your TPT Store, and this step is often what stops people from even getting started.

    So my Masterclass has a module specifically for walking you through how to open up your own store!

    From choosing the seller membership that’s right for you to making sure your storefront is on brand, if this is what you need help with, this is the module that will help you get started right away.

  • Optimising your Listings

  • Aside from the product creation module, the module on Optimising your Listings is by far my favourite one.

    This is because this module is great for everyone: beginners and seasoned sellers alike. There is so much you can do to boost your sales simply by optimising your existing listings, and this module shows you exactly how to go about it.

    Here’s a quick checklist of 3 tips to optimise your TPT store listings:

    • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
    • Optimise Product Titles and Descriptions
    • Price Your Products Effectively

    This module dives deep into the why and the how of each tip, and I’m so eager for more sellers to take advantage of everything I’ve learned in my 7 years of selling on TPT!

    I Can’t Wait! Sign Me Up!

    Are you ready to go from feeling overwhelmed and lost, to becoming a confident teacher seller in JUST 8 WEEKS?

    Work with me starting in August 2024. Join Ella and I, along with all of my past and current students, on the journey to earning more financial freedom through your Teachers Pay Teachers Store.

    The Teacher Seller Masterclass enrollment is already open! You can choose a one-time payment of $397 and save 10%, or you can choose 3 monthly payments for $147/month.

    The choice is yours. Join us here!

    What’s Next After I Enrol?

    Once you’ve enrolled in the Teacher Sellers Masterclass, you’ll get a confirmation email right away so that you know the enrollment went through.

    I’ll then send you a schedule for when each module will be released! Here it is, in case you’re curious:

    • Module 1: Coming 12th August
    • Module 2: Coming 12th August
    • Module 3: Coming 26th August
    • Module 4: Coming 9th September
    • Module 5: Coming 9th September
    • BONUS MODULES: 23rd September

    Note that I open the modules slowly, rather than all at once, on purpose for a number of reasons:

    1. I will go through each module with you, every step of the way, and will focus my attention on the content of each module when they are released so that the live Q&As are relevant to everyone at the same time.
    1. I’ve arranged the modules specifically so that they build on each other. For example, it’s important to identify your niche first before you start creating products so that you can optimise your time. That’s why the module about branding comes before the product creation one. Doing this in order will support your efficiency and use of time in the long run!
    1. Quite frankly? It’s less overwhelming this way when the training is scaffolded!

    The course is now open, and you can enrol now until the 8th of August. Remember, the first module comes out on the 12th of August!

    If you have any more questions about the Teacher Seller Masterclass, please please feel free to reach out. I’m here for you!

    Alright, sweet friend. Hope to see you in the Masterclass. Your Teachers Pay Teachers business is waiting for you 🙂

    Have a wonderful rest of your day!


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