5 Ways to Use Quality Literature to Teach Direct Speech - The Sydney Teacher

5 Ways to Use Quality Literature to Teach Direct Speech

Direct speech, as with many writing concepts, is best taught through rich literature. Using quality texts to learn about speech mark punctuation is not only engaging, it also expands vocabulary and may even inspire your students to read new texts!
5 reasons why you should use Google Forms to assess mathematics - The Sydney Teacher
Maths Lessons

5 Reasons To Use Google Forms to Assess Mathematics

Do tests that self-mark and provide instant feedback seem too good to be true? I'm here to tell you it's not! Google Forms do all this and more!
Top 5 Teaching Resources for Term 1 - The Sydney Teacher

Top 5 Teaching Resources for Term 1

These are my current best sellers that are being enjoyed all over the country and may be just what you need - so check them out!
6 Ways to Make Learning More Visible - The Sydney Teacher

6 Ways to Make Learning More Visible

Find out which resources I use to make learning visible and actively engage my learners!

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